Home Gujarat ‘International Seminar on Innovation and Industrial Research’ organized by IITRAM

‘International Seminar on Innovation and Industrial Research’ organized by IITRAM


(G.N.S) Dt. 12



Amidst the prevailing pandemic situation and following the precautionary guidelines, the Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research And Management (IITRAM), organised an ‘International Seminar on Innovation and Industrial Research’ through the Career Development and Promotion of Innovation and Industrial Research cell at the institute.

It was an online seminar joined remotely by more than 50 participants from India and abroad. Keeping in mind the 2021 theme for ‘Celebrating Women in Leadership Roles’, the coordinators Dr Navneet Khanna, Associate Dean, Career Development and Promotion of Innovation and Industrial Research and Dr. Meera Vasani, Associate Dean Student Affairs invited the eminent women leaders from academia and industry both in India and abroad to share their expertise and innovations they are involved in their respective fields.

The seminar showcased the diversity of women leaders from across the disciplines of entrepreneurship, public health, socio-cultural development and aerospace manufacturing engineering. The major topics presented were on- Engineering for the Complex World by Stueti Gupta, co-founder and director BlueKei Solutions; Technological Innovations for Public Health in India by Ahana
Chatterjee, Manager Swasti Health Cataylst, India; Creativity and Innovation by Stephanie Loup Caestecker and Dr. Andrea Boisadan, International Development Manager, CESI, France; A Woman Experiences on Innovative Industrial Research by Dr. Haizea Gonzalez, PhD, University of the Basque Country, Spain.

Thus, the seminar explored the opportunities and scope of developing integrated ecosystem in digital health and aerospatiale technologies through cross-cultural training’s for the students


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