Home Gujarat Ex CM Vaghela visits SVP and Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, meets docs...

Ex CM Vaghela visits SVP and Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, meets docs and takes ground report


(G.N.S) Dt. 25


Former CM of Gujarat and NCP leader Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu personally visited Covid-19 hospitals in Ahmedabad, Civil Hospital and SVP hospital while looking at current situation of state.

“During my visit at Ahmedabad Civil and SVP Hospital, I have promised the patient’s families and the frontline warriors to knock on the doors of Chief Minister, his council and thier MLA who have gone missing in this tough times” says Mr. Vaghela.

Ex CM and NCP Gujarat leader Shri Shankarsinh Vaghela Bapu visited Ahmedabad Civil Hospital, which has the highest death toll of corona in Gujarat. During the visit Vaghela met relatives of the patients, senior and junior doctors, nursing staff, ward boys and class 4 staff who were continuously serving as Corona Warriors like the soldiers of the country.

Similarly during 1 to 4 lockdown, Bapu met the personnel of the police department who provided continuous services and congratulated them and thanked the entire police force for providing services. Bapu then also visited the SVP Hospital run by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.


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